Welcome to your first DIY garage door maintenance task! Proper lubrication is key to ensuring your garage door operates smoothly and quietly. It extends the life of the moving parts and prevents wear and tear. Let’s get started with this easy yet vital maintenance job.

What You’ll Need:

  • Garage door lubricant (silicone or lithium-based)
  • Clean rag or towel
  • Safety glasses and gloves (optional but recommended)
  • Step ladder (if necessary)

Step 1: Safety First

Ensure your garage door is closed and disconnected from the opener (if you have an automatic door). This is important for your safety as you’ll be working on moving parts.

Step 2: Clean the Tracks

Before lubricating, clean the tracks with a rag. Remove any debris or buildup that might hinder the door’s movement. Note: Do not lubricate the tracks, as this can attract dirt and cause more issues.

Step 3: Lubricate the Hinges

Apply a small amount of lubricant to each hinge. Focus on the areas where the hinge bends, ensuring the lubricant penetrates the moving parts. Wipe away any excess to prevent drips.

Step 4: Rollers and Bearings

If your garage door has metal rollers with bearings, lubricate the rollers and bearings. Avoid getting lubricant on the nylon part of the roller if they have a nylon outer wheel.

Step 5: Springs and Bearing Plates

Carefully apply lubricant to the torsion springs (located above the door) and the bearing plates (at the ends of the spring). These parts endure a lot of tension and benefit greatly from lubrication.

Step 6: Lock and Armbar

Apply lubricant to the lock mechanism (if your door has one) and the armbar. This helps keep these parts functioning smoothly and reduces the risk of rust.

Step 7: Reconnect and Test

Once you’ve finished, reconnect your garage door opener (if applicable) and open/close the door a few times to spread the lubricant evenly.

Regular Maintenance

Lubricating your garage door should be done every six months or as needed, depending on usage and climate conditions.

Congratulations, you’ve just completed an essential maintenance task for your garage door! Remember, regular maintenance not only ensures smooth operation but also extends the life of your door.